Below are some of the more common mistakes people make when they first receive the results of their ALCAT Food Sensitivity Test:
- Not Reading The Understanding Your Alcat Test Results Booklet: This booklet is provided in every test result to educate and give added information for best results using the Alcat test. It is provided as a tool to help make the process of elimination, rotation and reintroduction easier. Though it may seem tedious to read the 51 page booklet, it will be worth it as you will understand how to use your Alcat results for the most benefit to your health.
Reintroducing More Than One Food At A Time: It is
recommended to reintroduce one food into your diet at a
time (once every 4 days) so you can isolate what food may
still be causing reactions. For example, if you are
reactive to Grape and Strawberry and reintroduce both on
the same day, have a reaction, you would not know what
food truly caused that reaction. If you introduce one food
at a time and have a reaction, it is obvious that food is
causing a reaction and should be removed for a longer
period of time.
- Only Looking At Your Foods: The Alcat tests for more than just food. It also tests food additives/colorings, chemicals, molds and herbs. One area that is often overlooked are skin care products including lotions, shampoo, conditioner, cosmetics, etc. You would be surprised as to how many different ingredients are in those products.
- Not Reading Labels: Most people are not aware of what is in the products they use daily. After receiving your Alcat test results, it is recommended that you read every label of products you use/consume including but not limited to foods, cosmetics, cleaning products & body and hair care products.
- Eating Items Not Tested For: It is recommended that you only eat items that were tested for and on your rotation plan. The largest food test panel is 200 foods. When someone eats foods that were not tested for, there is no way of knowing what type, if any reaction that food may be causing.